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Dr Brady's Dental ProThyroid - The natural way to clean teeth
Dr Brady's Dental ProThyroid - The natural way to clean teeth
Dr Brady's Dental ProThyroid - The natural way to clean teeth

Dr Brady's Dental ProThyroid - The natural way to clean teeth

Normaler Preis €21,95 €18,00 Angebot

About the product:

Dr Brady's Pro Thyroid is a vital addition to the canine dental market. It contains seaweed which studies show removes tartar from your dog's teeth in 5-8 weeks, reducing odour from the mouth. However, the concern to date has been the high heavy metal and iodine contents of such plants, both fluctuating with where they are harvested. In terms of heavy metals, we have found the cleanest source of hand-harvested, organic seaweed possible which we verify for you in the lab (see www.dogsfirst.ie for results of your batch). To this we add pure, organic EU Chlorella which helps bind most remaining heavy metals in the gut. Activated charcoal inhibits much of the iodine being absorbed while naturally derived selenium methionine boosts thyroid function. In this way, Pro Thyroid is expected to have the lowest heavy metal and thyroid impact of any comparable product on the market.



🦷 ORGANIC SEAWEED: this product contains some of the finest seaweed available for pets. Hand-picked on remote, family-owned farms in the wilds of the Atlantic, the plants are then washed in cool, fresh water which decreases impurities such as heavy metal and salt content. Finally, it is repeatedly ground to a soluble form, making for better absorption.

🦷  COOL DRIED FOR BETTER TARTAR REMOVAL: Normally, animal feed is dried with heat. Our seaweed is icool dried (39oC), better preserving the polysaccharides that remove tartar from your dog's teeth. 

🦷  STAIN REMOVAL?!  In another first for the pet dental market, activated charcoal has long been used by the industry for stain removal (this is the yellowing of their teeth with age, an unavildable consequence of life, in that way staining is different to tartar which is caused by a lack of abrasion). 

 🦷 UNRIVALLED BAD BREATH CONTROL: Charcoal has a dual function in this product. First, it binds impurities in the mouth that can result in foul breath while peppermint, studies show, can inhibit biofilm formation in the oral cavity, where the bad bacteria live, making it handy in the battle against periodontitis, gingivitis, and of course halitosis (bad breath!).

🦷 PRO THYROID: This product is thyroid-protective for 3 reasons. They are:

🦷 LOW-IODINE CONTENT: Iodine is pivotal to good health but too much for too long might be a concern. To combat this, we do not use true kelp in this product (very high in iodine). We use a lower iodine seaweed (Ascophyllum) and then use activated charcoal which binds excess iodine before your pet can absorb it, meaning your dog won't absorb much over the 8wk course of giving this product daily.

🦷  LOW-HEAVY METAL CONTENT: Seaweed is notorious for binding heavy metals present in our seas. First, the fresh-water washing removes impurities on the outside, a crucial first step to heavy metal reduction. Next we include EU organic Chlorella which is not only deeply nutritious but its negative charge means it binds heavy metals from the gut. This means much of what may be coming in with the seaweed will be removed.

🦷  SELENIUM ENRICHED SACCHAROMYCES: Selenium is a vital and often deficient nutrient in your pets diet. It's also pivotal to thyroid health. We include the very best food source of it, boosting thyroid function

🦷 LAB TESTED: We want you to be confident in the quality and cleanliness of our product, so we lab test every batch of our product so you can rest assured what we say is in the tin, is actually in the tin. Or not, more importantly!

🦷 MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE: As ever, we are so highly confident that this product will clean up your dogs mouth that we offer a money-back guarantee. If you are not happy with the effects of our product after an 8wk trial we'll refund you your purchase. No quibbles.


Organic Atlantic Irish Seaweed, organic EU Chlorella, activated charcoal. selenium-enriched inactivated Sacchromyces, peppermint.

Dosage and How To Feed


Does activated charcoal bind nutrients from their food?

This is a common one but a bit of a misconception. Charcoals adsorption process relies on VAN DER WAALS forces rather than strong ionic (+/-) interactions. This means activated charcoal is most effective at ADsorbing (means sticks to, as opposed to ABsorb, which means drawing in) NON POLAR things (non-polar being a state where the electrons are shared equally, there is no + or - at the end of it). This means it’s not great at adorbing stuff like Iron (Fe2+) or Calcium (Ca2+) or Zinc (Zn2+) or Copper (Cu2+) and vitamins like B and C, as they’re all polar, so good news there, but it’s AWESOME with non polar substances such as toxins, pesticides and gases and Iodine is weird in that’s it’s non polar too. So that’s first.

Secondly, bigger molecules (eg the nasties above, and proteins and stuff like cholesterol etc) take up the space first. Vitamins and minerals are micro nutrients, so they don’t get a look in.

So, if you feed a tiny bit of charcoal (this product) then the space WILL be taken up with non-polar stuff and larger moelcules, not vits and mins.

Now if you feed in very high dose (eg after a toxic ingestion of some chemical and you're trying to save their life) then yes, it will bind all sorts, but that's not what we're talking about there. As ever, the dose is the issue.

Those two reasons is likely why there are zero studies showing a nutrient deficiency using a TINY amount of charcoal.

And even IF it does, seaweed and algae are two of the most nutrient-dense additions you could hope for, so it would likely take that edge off if it existed.

Can it interfere with any of my dog's meds?

We can't comment on medicines prescribed by your vet, so that exact question needs to be addressed to them. 

For now, activated charcoal is only 10% of this product so it's a very small dose. And while it can absorb certain nasties (as above), how much it might absorb or interfere with medicines is virtually unknown. There are some studies suggesting it can but the dose is enormous and always given with the chemical compound.

Best advice is that, if you (and your vet) decide to feed Dr Brady's Dental with a medicine, that they be separated by 2-4hrs, meaning the medicine has had time to be absorbed before the good stuff goes in!

What is the difference between Dr Brady's Dental and Canident?

Both contain Irish seaweed but there the similarities end. Unlike Canident, my new version contains organic seaweed, handpicked and washed in freshwater, which will reduce the salt content. It's also cool air dried <39oC, hopefully better preserving the good bits compared to normal animal feed. Unlike Canident, we add in some extra ingredients - activated charcoal, which will help reduce iodine absorption, Chlorella which will help bind any heavy metals present and therefore reduce their absorption; and peppermint, which kills off the biofilms in the mouth, improving odour. All in all, with hopefully less iodine and heavy metals and as we also add selenium-methionine from killed yeast, we expect this to be the most pro-thyroid seaweed-based pet supplement on the market, by some margin.

Canident v Dr Bradys Dental


Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Petra Goepfert
Very happy

Using this product now for a couple of weeks and not just the tartar is gone but nearly all yellow stains as well. No bad breath either 🙌👍