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Dr Brady's Yeast Defeat - For internal yeast issues in dogs
Dr Brady's Yeast Defeat - For internal yeast issues in dogs
Dr Brady's Yeast Defeat - For internal yeast issues in dogs

Dr Brady's Yeast Defeat - For internal yeast issues in dogs

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An internal yeast infection is a very underdiagnosed cause of chronic itch in dogs and cats today. But even when verified by a simple stool check at the vets, it proves tricky to shift. Dr Brady’s Yeast Defeat is a multi-pronged approach to killing this pesky invader. There is no other product like it on the market. It works as follows:

  1. Garlic digests the biofilm protecting the yeast at the gut membrane.
  2. Next, cellulase digests the protective outer layer encapsulating the now pathogenic fungi
  3. MCT oil now penetrates the membrane of the yeast, disrupting its function while green olive leaf sets about killing it off.
  4. Bentonite clay is used to adsorb the toxins emitted by the dying yeast which might otherwise sicken the recovering patient (known as a Her effect).
  5. Sacchromyces boulardii has the dual function of fighting pathogenic yeast species whilst restoring normal qut flora balance, offering longer-term protection from the disease.

Ingredients: MCT powder, green olive leaf, bentonite clay, cellulase, dried garlic, chicory root, Saccharomyces boulardii.

  • This is ALL the natural supplements we believe a dog with a stubborn yeast issue requires but it means the apparent dosage is a little higher.
  • It is paramount that you build to this dose slow as a yeast dying off can sicken them a little
  • Mixing with their food is fine, but even better if it was added to some broth or even some tasty, whole-fat, natural yoghurt and given BEFORE a meal so that the enzyme works only on the yeast and not on the food, but this step isn't vital.

How do I know if he has an internal yeast issue?

You don't. It's difficult to test for internal yeast issues in a dog. Even if your vet took a faeces sample to see if there has been a proliferation, we now know it's not so much about abundance but a change in the species present, upsetting things.

Lacking a suitable test, if you have already ruled out food intolerances and / or that yeast issue on the surface keeps coming back, then you MIGHT have an internal yeast dysbiosis.

The advice is thus to pop in a product like Dr Brady's Yeast Defeat which will work to reduce pathogenic yeast numbers internally in your dog.

If your dog starts to improve 4-5 days after usage, great! Keep it up for a few weeks. If he doesn't, OK, at least now you can cross off an internal yeast blood off your list and move on to the next thing ( per my 5 step plan below...)

How long do I use Yeast Defeat for?

You by the symptoms. Chronic issues can take time to clear. If after 4-5 days he was improving I would keep up Yeast Defeat for at least 3 weeks. Some have used it longer. No harm, there is no nasty ingredients in there.

How do I build to dose slowly?

If he is to get 3 full scoops a day, I would start with half a scoop one meal, a full scoop next etc. I would spend 4-6 meals (2-3 days) getting him up to full dose, watching for any signs that he doesn't like it / it's not agreeing.

Can I use Yeast Defeat alongside probiotic products?

Probiotics are usually bacterial and targeted at bacterial dysbiosis. This is a yeast issue, different critter requiring a different approach.

Here's the thing, if he has a yeast issue it likely was permitted to bloom as a result of an upset in the bacterial biome. For instance, an antibiotic is a common form of thrush in humans - you wipe out the very critters that were keeping yeast under control.

So, probiotics are worth a shot when trying to rectify such issues and no doubt in some cases it might work - where you boost the good guys and they take back control.

However, if you have been giving these already, they're not working so I would certainly pause them.

Once yeast are there in sufficient numbers, they have all sorts of tactics to stay there, releasing compounds that stop the good guys growing.

In summary, while they wouldn't be my first option for dealing with the issue, by all means try. But if they don't work, stop and try another way.

Also, if you try two approaches at the same time you won't know what the issue was, should it pop up again, dooming you to kitchen-sinking it (throwing everything at it) every time the issue rears its head.

Should I use Dr Brady's Gut Regen12 after Yeast Defeat?

No need. Regen12 is a product for dogs suffering recurring gut issues, think IBS/IBD/colitis or reflux. If you have managed to put yeast back in the box it means the good bacteria are recovering, no need to mess around with that.

If the skin gets red and they seem more itchy is this die off?

It's impossible for us to say either way and we can't risk your pet suffering over something we have said but there is something to this - and why we introduce the product slowly.

There is nothing in this product that is inflammatory. If your dog's skin is getting red / inflamed then you might assume that the yeast is dying off. When this happens, it releases its toxins (and any heavy metals etc it was holding on to) which is known to increase inflammation (and potentially that skin issue you're seeing). It's called a Herx effect - where getting better can take a temporary toll.

We aim to avoid this effect by building to dose slowly and using bentonite clay which mops up a lot of the toxins release, lessening the effect.

If your dog is getting inflamed and you suspect it's the product then cut back massively on the product. If on 3 scoops cut back to 1 for a few days. Things should "cool off'". Then build to dose slowly later. It should only happen once, an initial flurry of die off.

As ever though, never go through such things alone. Consider discussing your concerns with a (natural) vet. List here.

Can my dog stay on Yeast Defeat long term?

No need. The route to good health is not living on supplements. Use them to help them recover and then let good food keep them there.

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Joan Stevens
Great product

The yeast is gone from his paws cannot smell it anymore. I’m very pleased.

Beverley Quigley
Great product

Ive been treating both of my dogs with Yeast defeat & i can already see the difference in just a few weeks. Their pink yeasty skin patches are fading fast - Will be ordering more as they are both large dogs & use 4 scoops each per day.